This week the spotlight shines squarely on Glenn Miller, oktavist, who appears on the PaTRAM Institute Singers’ recordings of “The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom” and “Blessed Art Thou among Women” which were released in 2018 and 2019, respectively. Glenn hails from Michigan and is in very high demand for his amazing LOW vocals. Truly, unique.

Glenn began his professional career singing with the Robert Shaw Festival Singers, most notably recording the Rachmaninoff “Vespers” as well as numerous other recordings. He went on to sing in many different choirs around the United States including Clarion (NY), Skylark (Boston), Capella Romana (Portland), Yale Choral Artists (New Haven, CT), Conspirare (Austin), TX), St. Tikhon’s Chamber Choir (Pennsylvania) and many, many more.

Amongst numerous recordings with Conspirare, its recording, “The Sacred Spirit of Russia,” on which he was a featured soloist, performing the Chesnokov “Do Not Reject Me in My Old Age,” won the 2014 the Grammy award for Best Choral Recording. He, also, wrote the chapter, “Reflections of an American Choral Oktavist” which was included in the book, “Conducting Men’s Choirs,” published in 2020. As though there weren’t enough accomplishments already, he is Director of Music and Organist at Kirk in the Hills, Bloomfield Hills, MI, where he directs the church’s professional adult choir and boys’ and girls’ choirs and an extensive musical outreach program of concerts, video productions, and recitals.

In addition to Glenn’s aforementioned award-winning Chesnokov piece, we invite you to hear Glenn singing, with Cappella Romana, “Lord Have Mercy” by Tchaikovsky.