Reviews Continue Coming For PaTRAM’s “More Honourable than the Cherubim”
The reviews for this CD continue coming in!
PaTRAM Institute™ is extremely pleased with yet another review for their newest CD, “More Honourable than the Cherubim”. This week’s review comes from Daniel Morrison of Fanfare Magazine, a prominent classical music periodical.
Mr. Morrison writes: “The music on all of these recordings is of sublime beauty and expressivity, and one does not have to be a religious person, as I am not, to be profoundly moved and entranced by it.” We urge our listeners to read the full review for complete context.
To receive this kind of response from someone who neither attends services at an Orthodox church nor considers himself to be religious is truly an achievement. He is not alone in that reaction. Some of our most ardent supporters and donors are deeply moved by and appreciate the beauty of the music outside of its context.
We urge our listeners to consider supporting PaTRAM Institute by purchasing a digital download, physical CD or enjoy streaming this album and all PaTRAM music at most mainstream outlets.
PaTRAM would also LOVE to hear from our listeners and supporters. If your CD purchase is on Amazon please don’t forget to post a review there, too! We would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you again for your support.