“Music holds such immense power that it can dramatically transform your life in an instant. Music can heal, inspire and touch your soul. Do you want to hear this kind of music? Do you want your children, grandchildren, and future generations to hear this kind of music?”

Maybe this very much resonates with you, or perhaps, for you, it misses the mark.

How about this?

“The glorious tradition of church singing dates back a thousand years, yet our musical treasures are being lost in North America. In the coming years we risk having multiple generations of Orthodox Christians in North America who have no experience with how beautiful music and an excellent church choir facilitates prayer and a powerful worship experience for parishioners.”

Both of these are just little snippets of longer posts we’ve been sharing this week on PaTRAM’s Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Over the next few weeks we are going to be sharing many of these posts in an effort to better tell our story. We believe that music does have the power to transform our lives in an instant, and that the splendor of Russian Orthodox choral music together with its astounding spiritual depth, in both the English and Slavonic languages, has the power to lift spirits and save our souls.

Dostovesky said that “beauty will save the world,” and we want to share this beautiful music with the world.

You can be a part of this process by helping us in a few simple ways.

  1. If you have not already, and if you are on Facebook and Instagram, please like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram.
  2. If you already like us on Facebook, you may not be seeing our posts. Go to our Facebook Page and also click “Follow” to make sure that Facebook shows you our posts in your feed.
  3. Please like our posts and comment on our posts. Your likes and comments actually help more people see these posts.
  4. If a particular post really resonates with you, please share it! That will help us know we’re doing a good job telling our story, and help more people know about our work.

You can review some of the posts we have already shared by going to the following links.

Facebook: facebook.com/patraminstitute

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patram_inst/

Please LIKE, COMMENT on, and SHARE these posts. Tell us when we are doing a good job telling our story. And share your own perspectives and story. We love hearing from our subscribers! What does beautiful sacred music mean to you?

Thank you for your continued support!

Tatiana Geringer

CEO, PaTRAM Institute