PaTRAM™ Singer, Glenn Miller, Hits the Radio Waves

WCPE , “the classical station” is an online radio station dedicated to classical music and all its variations. Recently, Rob Kennedy asked the renowned oktavist, and oft PaTRAM singer, Glenn Miller to sit down for another interview to discuss the “All-Night Vigil” CD.

Mr. Kennedy introduces the listener to Glenn and discusses with him the background of the “Jerusalem Project”, aka the background of the recording of Rachmaninoff’s masterwork, the “All-Night Vigil” sung by the PaTRAM Male Choir™.  Mr. Kennedy even convinces Mr. Miller to demonstrate the Oktavist voice to his listeners by asking him to sing a couple of notes, saying not that many people know the meaning of an Oktavist, relative to their actual sound.

We highly recommend our audience hear this interview with Glenn. You’ll be charmed by his easy-going demeanor, and you’ll learn a lot about both Glenn’s vast technical knowledge of this masterpiece as well as his impressions behind its creation.

If you’d like to obtain a copy of the CD, please go to the PaTRAM website for a list of outlets. This recording can also be enjoyed on all your favorite digital music platforms.

As always, we thank our supporters and subscribers for their continued loyalty.