The Memorial Day Conductors’ & Singers’ Workshop will be held at St. Tikhon’s Monastery, in Waymart, PA, from Friday, May 26 thru Monday, May 29, 2017. Arrival is the morning of Friday, May 26 and departure starting mid-day on Monday, May 29. This will be an expanded program of conductors and singers working independently and in tandem with Maestro Peter Jermihov and other faculty culminating in singing at the hierarchical services celebrated by Metropolitan Tikhon and Archbishop Michael.
The Conductors’ and Singers’ Workshop gives the aspiring musician-whether just starting out or with more moderate skills-a chance to grow as a singer or choir director!
Maestro Dr. Peter Jermihov-a highly respected and renowned conductor, teacher and specialist in Orthodox liturgical singing-will lead a team of outstanding faculty members.
– Conductors will learn the craft of conducting and acquire manual techniques, musicianship and vocal skills, knowledge of liturgical rubrics & organizational and people skills.
– Singers will learn the art of choral singing and acquire solid vocal techniques: proper breathing, purity of vowels, good resonance and beauty of tone.
All participants will receive personal attention and feedback, and most importantly aspiring church musicians will reinforce their experiential knowledge of singing and conducting in Church to the Glory of God with mind, heart and deep commitment to prayer.
- Conduct or sing in the Feature Choir for the Hierarchical services during the Memorial Day Pilgrimage
- VIP ticket to the Chamber Choir of St. Tikhon’s Monastery concert
- Special social outing on Saturday
Program cost is $350 and includes:
- Tuition
- Class Materials
- Meals
- Activities
Special rate & room block at the Comfort Inn
Group name: PaTRAM Institute, St. Tikhon event
Room rate: $112.00 plus tax/night, double or single occupancy. BREAKFAST BUFFET included!
Individuals are responsible for booking their own rooms.
Please book soon! Room block & rate expire on May 6!
The Comfort Inn is a 15 minute drive from St. Tikhon’s Monastery.
Please read the following information carefully before proceeding with registration
By clicking on the “REGISTER FOR EVENT” button the applicant has agreed to the terms and conditions as stated:
- Full tuition payment is due in order to be accepted as a participant in EITHER the conductor or singer workshops.
- Full tuition will be refunded if the applicant decides to cancel their participation in the Event by sending an email to info@patraminstitute.org, OR by calling 551-224-8657, prior to April 25th, 2017.
- After April 26th, 2017, PaTRAM will refund 50% of the full tuition ($175) if the applicant decides to cancel their participation in the Event by sending an email to info@patraminstitute.org, OR by calling 551-224-8657, prior to May 10th, 2017.
- After May 10th, 2017 NO refunds can be issued.
You must complete and sign the attached forms below PRIOR to entering the registration application as they will be mandatory file attachments required in the form.
Liability release form:
Memorial Day Workshop Liability release form
Event release form:
Memorial Day Workshop – Event Release Form