Russian News: Divine Liturgy at the Dormition Cathedral, Moscow Kremlin

On March 27th the Male Choir and the Choral school of the Moscow Representation of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra sang the Divine Liturgy at the Dormition Cathedral, Moscow Kremlin. The choir was led by none other than our very own Vladimir Gorbik, head master of the choirs, and Dina Dovgan.

27 марта 2016 года Мужской хор и Хоровая школа Московского Подворья Свято-Троицкой Сергиевой Лавры пели на Литургии в Успенском соборе Московского Кремля.
Художественный руководитель и главный регент хоров Владимир Горбик. Регент Хоровой школы Дина Довгань.

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Press Release: Commission of Divine Liturgy from Kurt Sander

PaTRAM Institute is pleased to announce the commission of a new Divine Liturgy from American Orthodox composer Kurt Sander. The work is set for completion in 2017 and will be premiered in the context of a Divine Liturgy celebrated at in Howell, NJ.

Kurt Sander is a major Orthodox composer who has been actively contributing new music for Orthodox divine worship for the past 25 years. He holds a Doctoral Degree in Music from Northwestern University and serves as Chairman of the Music Department at Northern Kentucky University. In addition, he is Choir Director at St. George Russian Orthodox Church in Loveland, Ohio. Sander is an award-winning composer who is widely published and performed in the United States and abroad. For more information, please visit his website. 

The premiere will be conducted by Dr. Peter Jermihov: “It has been one of the great pleasures of my musical life to collaborate with Kurt Sander on distinctive events of merit in the past, and I am thrilled and honored to serve as conductor of this supremely important event!” Jermihov, a tonsured Reader of the Russian Orthodox Church and student of master-teacher of conducting Ilya Musin, is a strong advocate of new music and Founder and Artistic Director of the Society of St. Romanos based in Chicago. He will lead the premiere with members of the St. Patriarch Tikhon Choir and outstanding Orthodox singers from across America. For more information about this American-born, Russian conductor, please visit his website.

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Kurt Sander